Category: Plumbing News

Happy Valentines Day!

LGE Prime Plumbing would like to wish you and your loves one’s a Happy Valentine’s.

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San Diego Issues Fines For Plumbing Leaks

Do you have a small leak that you just have not fixed? Maybe it’s just a little drizzle coming out of your faucet or hand sink. San Diego residents now have 3 days to fix those leaks or otherwise be subject to a fine. In an effort to conserve water, San Diego residents with continuous […]

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Bill Gates To Reinvent The Toilet

Did you know 4 out of 10 people do not have a safe way to use the restroom? Makes you appreciate what you have to work with! Well now Bill Gates is trying to turn poop into things we could use, like fuel, water and fertilizer. Check out the video below.

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