Whole house water filtration San Diego

Drinking Water and Cancer Risk

By now most home-owners in California have heard the big news. California tap water increases our cancer risk. It’s just another thing to add to the list of things that cause cancer. If you are anything like me, you want to reduce the exposure to cancer-causing agents as much as possible. This is where I decided on an Installation of whole house water filtration system. As a plumbing contractor, I have done many water filtration system installations for customers who have requested them, and now I am going to give you in-depth reasoning on to why I recommend them.


First, I would like you to think about everything we use water for in our homes. Drinking water is just one of the many uses. Many of us choose to buy purified water bottles as a solution to the stuff we might find in our tap water that makes it not a good choice for drinking. Does this option really solve the problem though? One group of scientists tested 259 bottles of water across 11 brands and found 93% of bottled water is contaminated with microplastics.


What about your skin? What does hard water do to your skin?


Well, if our water is not the best for drinking, we must assume that it also affects our skin. After all, we use it to wash our hands numerous times a day as well as when we take a shower. One of the most obvious effects of hard water on our skin is irritation, dryness, and Eczema. If these were not bad enough the presence of extra minerals in the water as well as other toxic chemicals can cause your pores to get clogged leading to acne, blackheads and constant breakouts.

Hair loss is another harmful effect of hard water. The presence of magnesium, silica, and calcium in the water can lead to breakage, dryness and thinning of hair. Not only this, but the regular usage of hard water can also destroy your hair follicles and this can even lead to the formation of dandruff.



Take a look at the image above. Here is a list of what’s most likely in your water if you do not have a water filtration system installed in your home. If that is not enough to get you thinking about installing a system in your house, how about you try using the EWG Tap Water Database to see whether contaminants were detected in your water. If harmful contaminants were found in your water, even at levels below the federal legal limits, we highly recommend filtering your water. Because legal amounts doesn’t always mean safe!

Legal limits are based on economic and political considerations that usually don’t reflect the lower levels that scientists have found pose health risks. Indeed, over 85 percent of the cancer risk calculated in the EWG study is due to contaminants that were below legal limits. Legal limits may also be based on outdated science: No new contaminants have been added to the list of nationally regulated drinking water pollutants in two decades.

– Enviornmental Working Group

It’s time to make your families health a priority. Call us today for more information regarding a whole house water filtration system and which works best for your needs.

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